Importance of Healthy Competition

Competition should not stress us out, but make us aware of our capabilities and scope of improvement.

Healthy competition plays a very important role in everyone’s life. It helps people to come out from the self-bubble. People start realizing their abilities in a particular field and the amount of time they should devout for it. This also helps people to innovate and develop interest in various other areas.

There are some people who think that they have achieved a lot in a short span of time. When they explore the world and find healthy competition, they tend to know that not all can be gained in one go.

Having a Healthy competition makes us learn new concepts from different people. We can gain knowledge in a particular field once we find a good competition. Being competitive does not only mean to perform better than others, but also learn from others to improve.

Sometimes, due to sheer pressure to compete with someone, we end up getting busted! Taking up competition under stress will lead to self-doubt and anxiety.

Hence, all of us should understand that one should always have a healthy competition in life and never take up competitions as a burden. This is because God has gifted each one of us with a unique quality which we need to discover and work on enhancing it.


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