Let’s Unitedly Fight and Eliminate Obesity

Why has the worldwide Obesity count tripled since 1975? Was it because of the healthy lifestyle the people led in those times and the extra care and precautions they took for their body? Why has obesity become the fifth leading risk for global deaths in the world? All of us have these questions in our mind which we want to get an answer to.     

Developing obesity is a very simple task in today’s world. The sedentary lifestyle we lead, the lack of exercise we do and the food which we consume. All of them are major factors that affect our mental and physical health.

Nowadays, every sector is growing virtually, which has increased the possibility of becoming obese. The reason is, we have to devout all our time on-screen and have to continuously sit at one place. This may lead to weight gain, which, if not controlled, can lead to Obesity. People often neglect the poor way of lifestyle they lead and do not comprehend the significance of exercising regularly.

These days, children have developed a habit of playing video games and watching television while munching and snacking fast food. This makes them very lethargic and they tend to lose their interest in working and exerting themselves. This may lead to obesity or weight gain. It is our duty to prevent ‘’Childhood Obesity’’. As a matter of fact, 38 million children under the age of 5, as of 2019, are overweight or obese globally.

All of us ponder upon questions like; how can we reduce our weight, or how can we develop a habit of exercising, or what is the diet we must follow. People often go for different kinds of diets to reduce weight or go to gyms for rigorous exercise.

But what is the need to go to gyms or follow diets, when we can easily find home remedies for this problem. We only need to inculcate a few strict changes in our eating habits and develop a habit of exercising regularly. We must increase the consumption of fruits, vegetables, pulses etc. and limit the intake of fats and salt in our meals. Also, we must be determined to make exercise our priority and avoid street-side food. These are the best and easiest ways to improve our health at home.

 It is very important to adhere to these points, because obesity may give rise to diabetes and sometimes, even cardiovascular diseases. Hence, all of us must mend our ways as soon as possible, rather than regret afterwards.


  1. So true....it is very important to take care of your health...especially in the current pandemic situation.

    1. I definitely agree with you..... We must never compromise with our health and take the best care we can.


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