A Modern Society in making!!

The Gupta’s era was considered as the Golden age for our country. They were counted as one of the best empires in the world. There many developments in terms of education, research, medical sciences, architecture and trade. The land of India prospered and flourished under this rule.

Sri Gupta was the founder of this dynasty. His son Ghatotkacha succeeded him and ruled for a brief period of time, after which, the first important Mauryan ruler ascended the throne. He was none other than the valiant and intrepid Chandragupta I. he ruled over Magadha, one of the major Mahajanapada of that time. His consort was a Lichhavi princess Kumaradevi.                                                                                              Samudragupta, the descendant of Chandragupta I, proved to be a very successful emperor. He fought many battles fearlessly, resulting in his triumph. Many Indian kings revered and admired him deeply and considered him a man of pronounced significance. He was also called Maharajadhiraja- King of kings.                                                        Chandragupta II, popularly given the title of Vikramaditya, was a very generous king of great valour. He always emerged victorious in any battle. He conquered the territory of Rudrasimha III and proclaimed Ujjain as the second capital of his land. Fa Hein- a Chinese pilgrim; was present during the Gupta rule in India. He has mentioned many anecdotes about the working of the Gupta regime.                                                      Gupta Empire declined because of one major reason- Invasion of intruders to overthrow the rule of Gupta’s and expand their land by vanquishing this territory.

Many changes took place I the way people lived during the reign of Gupta Empire.                                                                                                                               Firstly, their governance was excellent. Districts ad provinces were the divisions of the Kingdom. Cities were formed in a grid pattern. Craft and Pottery were prevalent. Jewellery, precious gems and textiles were woven along with eye-catching pottery designs and themes. Trade was prominent with the north eastern and western countries.

The great Mathematician Aryabhatta lived during the Gupta period. He did exceptional discoveries and researches in the fields of astronomy and mathematics. He wrote his biography- Aryabhatiya, at the age of 23.                                                          Brahmagupta also contributed in the field of mathematics by giving rise to Algebra, for solving problems.

Ayurveda- the study of medicinal herbs and remedies also began during the Gupta period. It proved to be of great importance later as well.

By this, we get to know how established and advanced this era was, and how profitable it is for us now.

Though there was much advancement in the society, there were a few things which really are unacceptable according to me.                                                                                Firstly, untouchability existed and hence, the out-castes had to live a miserable life. People regarded them to be a bad omen, thus, they evaded them. This caused a lot of suffering and distress to them, which really made me upset.                           

Secondly, women had lost all their freedom. They were prohibited to take part in religious activities. Sati system also began to take place. Women were not allowed to take decisions for their benefit or allowed to own houses. Literally, all their rights and liberties were seized. Altogether, women were neglected and people forgot the influences women have had in their lives and their families. They did not remember how women have always stood up for their loved ones and sacrificed themselves for their welfare. History is an evidence for the same. Hence, we must always respect their feelings and thoughts and never take it for granted.

I felt really down after learning that such backward thinking prevailed even at that time, considered as the era of ‘’making of a modern society’’. This custom was really very deplorable.

Hence, we must always have a gratitude for all those women who have had a huge involvement in shaping our lives, who have considered our wishes as their priority.                                                                                                                                As for the untouchables; God would have never created such beings of bad omen. It is we people who have segregated people based on their financial condition and stability. We forget how disgraceful such an act is, and the way it can ruin lives of people. This is a very inappropriate caste division which must not be tolerated by anyone.

The Gupta Dynasty progressed in many fields, hence, contributing in shaping of a modern society in spite of their retrograde thought process which really astounded me. Yet, there is no arguing in the way kings of this era have given liberties to their subjects, and won and waged wars for the benefit and welfare of their people.


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