The Diversity and Grandeur of Harappan Civilisation

The Indus valley Civilisation also called the Harappan Civilisation is one of the Greatest City civilisations in the world. It has marked a transition from the usage of stone tools to usage of bronze tools, justifying its name of the First Bronze Civilisation.

All of us wonder why Indus Valley Civilisation is also called the Harappan civilisation. Well, it is pretty easy. The first city of this civilisation that was excavated is Harappa, hence; also called the Harappan Civilisation.

Indus valley civilisation has an area of 1.3 million, greater than that of Mesopotamian or Egyptian Civilisations. This has earned it the title of the largest and the most widespread civilisation in the world.

Indus Valley Civilisation had many huge settlements and buildings. The Citadel and Lower town were the two parts of the Indus Valley. Citadel was a raised platform surrounded by massive walls. The Granary and Great Bath are 2 major structures that were made on the Citadel. Granary was built solely for the storage of surplus production of grains. Great Bath was a kind of pool filled with water and used on auspicious occasions.

Indus Valley Civilisation was a blend of many cultures, customs, traditions, occupations, lifestyle, languages spoken and attires worn. Nevertheless, they had never affected the Brotherhood and Togetherness between the people.

This sense of Fraternity among people is a very important lesson for all of us in life. Differences always exist among various people. But, the ones who overcome them and do not let them have bad influence on their relationships are definitely good at heart. Hence, we must live happily and peacefully together.

Many occupations were practiced. People were mostly involved in Agriculture. Cultivation of crops for food and fibre was usually carried out. Secondly, pottery was a very popular profession in which may people were engaged. The most typical kind of pottery had the designs of shiny red with black paintings. The domestication of animals was proved by the evidences in the form of bones and terracotta figurines depicting the same.

The land of Indus valley was very flourished and prosperous. Trading was done within the territories as well as over long distances. The presence of seals of Indus Valley in Mesopotamia indicates that Indus Valley had good trade relations with Mesopotamia. Many Gods and Goddesses associated with fertility were worshipped. Pashupati Shiva was also revered by the people. This justifies that divine powers even existed at that time and people kept their faith in them.

Indus Valley Civilisation faced it’s downfall between 2000-1800B.C. Natural Calamities and forces, Spread of Epidemics, Climate change, Poor Economic stability, Vast civilisation which made it difficult to be governed by one body and Invasions from other regions were a few reasons which led to the decline of this civilisation.

Indus Valley Civilisation reminds me of our present society. But the only difference I have observed is that there was liveliness and togetherness among people at that time. They would spare some time to meet their near and dear ones. They would share their thoughts and opinions freely without thinking what the other might make out of it. Whereas, in today’s world, people usually prefer to stay in their own little space. They often neglect the need for maintaining good relations with extended family members and friends.

The people of this civilisation have conveyed a really good message for all of us by their actions: ‘’ Relations are just like strings; if they break, even joining them together cannot fill up the cracks they have caused.’’



  • The estimated population of cities in Indus Valley was 30000-40000.
  • All houses were built with baked bricks.
  • They had fascinating developments including drains on street roads and grid patterned buildings.
  • Children played with toys and adults played dice.


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